Help for Parents

Friday, 18 July 2014

Help for Parents

Hi everyone,

I've added a new page to the blog which will contain some resources for those who would like to incorporate the Divine Truth into Parenting/Caring for their children.  All of the exercises I have done myself and found to be very useful, and has helped to become a much better, and more loving/caring parent.

In your own development, if there is anything that you have found useful, let me know and I can add it to the page (or provide a link to it).

I am also offering that if there is anyone (or groups of people) who would like to me to come and discuss parenting, then just send me an email ( and I'll see what I can organise.  Similarly, if your ok with me coming to stay for a bit, I can offer some first hand feedback on parenting, and relationships with children.

Cheers for now,
