Help for Parents

Help for Parents

This page has been setup for Parents and Carers, who desire to incorporate the Divine Truth into their lives, with the aim to develop themselves in love, and share that love with the children in their care.  On this page, you will find resources that will assist in developing yourself in love, so that you might one day love your children the way God loves us.

All of the resources on here I have personally tried myself, and found them to be helpful in order to assist myself to change the way I view myself as a parent, and love my children1 more and more.

1. I use the expression my/our children, however I don’t believe that this is an accurate way to express my relationship with my kids.  I see more and more, that my children are actually Gods children, and I am their temporary carer.  I use my/our, just because I’m not quite sure yet how else to express it in a truer way.

 Talks/Home Visits

I occasionally host a Parenting Group to help parents/carers with incorporating the Divine Truth into their parenting, and have also done presentations at other locations.  This group is currently held at Wooroolin, Queensland, Australia.  Depending on logistics, I am also happy to travel to meet and talk with others who would like to know more about the Divine Truth and Parenting.

If you are interested being added to my Parenting Group list, or a talk/presentation in your location, or a home visit to help with parenting, please email me at  Alternatively, I can organise a skype session or similar.

Links to Divine Truth resources for Parenting

20090307 Human Relationships - Parenting Children S1P1

20090307 Human Relationships - Parenting Children S1P2

or go to

Divine Truth FAQ - YouTube and search for "parent" for the interview questions singularly


Activity 1 – “Family” Drawing

Step 1: Draw a picture of your familyNote: It is important that you complete this step before continuing with the following instructions.  ‘Your’ family is what you perceive your family to be, including who is included and excluded.

Step 2: Now, Draw a picture of your family from Gods perspective.

Step 3: Compare the two pictures. 
1.      How do the two pictures differ if any?
2.      Does God have a different perspective of your family than you do?

Questions for Reflection:

- Why is it that God gave us the opportunity to care for one of Gods children?  Do we realise that we are a child of God, the same as ‘our’ children?
- In the drawing, how big are you compared to your children?
- Do you see yourself as bigger than your children, or smaller than your children?
- Do you see your children as not as important as yourself, or more important than yourself?
- Do we have a feeling of ownership over our children, and that they are your children instead of seeing them as one of Gods children?
- How do we feel about being temporary caretakers of Gods children?
-What part of the child do we create?  God creates the soul, and it is even Gods processes that create the spirit and material body.
- Who is included in your family, and has anyone been excluded.
- Do we realise that we are part of Gods family which includes everyone else, and that we are all children of God, with God as our true parent.

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